Cut The Beautiful Double Eyelids, Fascinated Eyes After 45 Minutes

One of these services is much sisters care can not fail to mention is double eyelid surgery. Though just a small procedure, but this technique requires the delicate and precise to the millimeter. Let's Clinic Dr Nguyen Giap find out details about this method in the article below!

Double eyelid surgery how is standard

The characteristic of Asian people is usually double eyelids, hooded eyelid and eye size not all make beauty needs double eyelids become so popular.

Cut the eyelids or cut eyelid is a method of advanced aesthetic is applied to improve the looks of the eyes, especially for the case of hooded eyes, double eyelids or eyelid fall. This process helps to create double double eyelids with natural beauty.

The cutting of the eyelids not only bring attractive eyes with double eyelid, obviously, but also the beauty of the face, boost confidence for users.

Although not a major surgeries, but to ensure safe and effective, lasting, consumers should look to the medical facility instead of the spa with no experience.

Benefits of double eyelid surgery

Before the complex issues stemming from the cosmetic base no credibility as flip eyelid eyes rolled backwards or eyelid folds, irregular, many customers are faced with the baffling material should have made the decision to double eyelid surgery or not?

However, this method is the expert assessment is that there are many advantages:

  • The process of cutting the eyelids just a little minor surgery, occurring rapidly in about 45 minutes.
  • Safety: The application of techniques to measure and draw carefully and meticulously adjusted the distance of the eyelid folds by doctors whose expertise is the important factors to ensure safety for the cutting process, the eyelids, to help you possess beautiful eyes, eyes.
  • Aesthetic effect: After the cutting process, the eyelid, you can own double double eyelids big, round, with creases and save cute just after 7 – 10 days. 
  • Maintain the long-lasting effect: critical not only is improving the beauty immediately, but also the ability to maintain efficiency and overcome the defects of the eyes in the lifetime after this. 
Benefits of double eyelid surgery
The process of double eyelid surgery takes place quickly takes just 45 minutes

Methods of advanced aesthetic

By applying techniques advanced cosmetic from Korea, the process of double eyelid surgery at cosmetic Dr Nguyen Giap gives the eyes a natural and harmonious accents create a fit for every face. This technology is designed to overcome the defects such as double eyelids, hooded eyelid or eye overturned mi. 

Based on each specific case, the doctor will perform the process of intervention cut eyelid stars to achieve the balance and most suitable with shape the face of the patient.

The process of cutting eyelid begins when the doctor created incision piece at the upper eyelid. Through the incision, and this excess skin and excess fat is removed, helping to create creases brought new sense of balance, harmony, finishing with the face overall.

image result cutting 2 eyelids

hinh anh cat mat two mi


hinh anh khach hang tai dr nguyen giap


hinh anh khach hang cat mat 2 mi

The procedure is performed at the Clinic, Dr Nguyen Giap

The consulting process plays an important role in shaping the success of cosmetic surgeries. Below are the detailed steps of the technique of double eyelid surgery at the Clinic, Dr Nguyen Giap:

  1. Consulting.
  2. Health check.
  3. Perform the surgery.
  4. Resort.
  5. Re-examination.
The procedure is performed at the Clinic, Dr Nguyen Giap
The procedure is performed at the Clinic, Dr Nguyen Giap

Learn more cutting services, other eye at the clinic, Dr Nguyen Giap:

The issue to note when done cut eye

Depending on the location of each customer, whether or not scar after surgery will vary. So, the most important is strict compliance with the measures postoperative care are as follows:

  • Apply ice regularly when the eyelids are swollen. This helps to reduce swelling and pain, especially in the first days after surgery.
  • Not to strong impact, the motor need to limit after cutting the eyelids.
  • Avoid activities that cause pressure can affect the process of healing of the incision.
  • Toilet incision under the guidance of a doctor.
  • Always follow cleaning procedure to avoid infection and aid the process of healing.
  • Rest properly, guaranteed vacation time, enough so that the body can recover after surgery.
  • Limit the use of your computer screen and electronic device, avoid long look at the screen to reduce stress and fatigue for eyes.
  • Compliance calendar re-examination as directed by your doctor, this helps to ensure tracking the development and timely treatment.
  • No makeup when the incision has healed, avoid the chemicals can cause irritation to the skin are in the process of healing.
  • Limited rubbed into the eyes, avoid actions that could create pressure on the eye area.
  • Do not use contact lenses instead used eye glasses for two weeks after surgery. This helps to protect the eyes and the area around the same time support the recovery process.
  • When outside, wear sunglasses to reduce the sensitivity to light to protect the eyes from the direct effect of strong light from the external environment.
note when performing cut eye
After cutting double eyelids need rest, avoid makeup when the wound has not healed

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Below are some frequently asked questions when performing double eyelid surgery. Specific:

Cut eyelid anesthesia or local anesthesia?

Customers want to create the double eyelid will apply methods of anesthesia to perform this process. This is necessary so that a doctor can proceed with the alignment eyes correctly, create a natural result. During alignment, the doctor will constantly check and ask the patient to sit, to ensure the uniformity and precision in the adjustment of the shape and the look of the eyes.

Cut the eyelids can cause a scar?

Because this is a little minor surgery and is performed by the therapist are highly skilled, this process will not cause scarring. Therefore, you can have complete peace of mind when placing faith in his eyes at the Clinic, Dr Nguyen Giap.

Cut eyelid after how long will heal?

Healing time of the eyelids after surgery often depends on the location and specific care after surgery. Typically, the eye can rapid healing in the eyelid folds in about 7 – 10 days. However, to achieve eyelid folds naturally, this process can last from 1 – 2 months.

The article has provided useful information about the method of double eyelid surgery, hoping that customers will have enough information to make the right decisions when deciding to improve the defects of his eyes. If longer matter what want more advice don't hesitate to contact Clinic Dr Nguyen Giap okay!

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