Structural rhinoplasty revision– Solution Help You Have A Nose Cute

You have feelings of inferiority and anxiety about the broken nose after rhinoplasty at a location that is not reliable? You upset because the results rhinoplasty is not beautiful due process is “not professional”? Don't worry, just come with service rhinoplasty structure, revise of the Clinic, Dr Nguyen Giap, these problems will be solved. Below is detailed information about the method of rhinoplasty that you can refer to!

Image clients first with after rhinoplasty structure, re-edit, at the Clinic, Dr Nguyen Giap


Image clients first with after rhinoplasty structure, re-edit, at the Clinic, Dr Nguyen Giap
Client pictures before and after rhinoplasty structure, revise 
Image clients first with after rhinoplasty structure, re-edit, at the Clinic, Dr Nguyen Giap
Customers are very satisfied with the new appearance after rhinoplasty structure, re-edit, at the Clinic, Dr Nguyen Giap
Image clients first with after rhinoplasty structure, re-edit, at the Clinic, Dr Nguyen Giap
Image customers after 6 months of implementation, nose structure, re-edit, at the clinic, Dr Nguyen Giap

Rhinoplasty techniques structure, re-edit, at the Clinic, Dr Nguyen Giap

The process of lifting the nose structure, re-edit, is the remedy shape the nose after undergoing rhinoplasty before that incident. This may include status nose is damaged after being rhinoplasty in place does not guarantee the quality, create the nose not in harmony with the face, or the nose is deviated and have the ability to change the shape of the nose according to the will of the patient.

Rhinoplasty structure may laf process rhinoplasty times Monday, aiming to overcome the problem of the shape of the nose has happened before. However, to achieve the best results, this process requires the intervention of the doctor, have the skills in-depth and full experience in this field.

Learn more service rhinoplasty else at the clinic, Dr Nguyen Giap:

Advantages of the method of rhinoplasty, structure, revise

Today many women choose rhinoplasty structure revised to improve their noses. Here are some of the advantages of this method:

Help you revise nose broken

If you have gone through the process of rhinoplasty earlier, and encounter problems as deflection shape deformation, or the tip of the nose too sharp, the nose structure, re-edit, can be effective solution to remedy this situation.

Through this process, you can restore the shape of the nose and reconstruct the nose shape desired without the need to worry about having to perform step repair Monday. The important thing is you need to select a location, prestige and quality to ensure safety, the success of this process.

Help you adjust the nose shape has not satisfied

If you have gone through the process of rhinoplasty once, though not encounter problems damaged but feel not really satisfied completely, you can review service rhinoplasty structure revised to adjust the shape of nose as desired. Don't worry about your nose, you can't become more beautiful after repair times Monday, only need you choose the prestigious venues such as the Clinic, Dr Nguyen Giap. You will have the opportunity to own a beautiful nose in harmony with his face.

Bring more confidence for you

The process of lifting the nose structure, re-edit, gives you the confidence to rise higher in life, especially when the nose before something is broken or have nose shape is not as desired. This confidence not only make your mood become more optimistic but also help you harvest was much more successful in all aspects of life.

Advantages of the method of rhinoplasty, structure, revise
Rhinoplasty structure revised to help you feel more confident
Advantages of the method of rhinoplasty, structure, revise
Rhinoplasty structure revised to help more sisters more confident with the beauty of yourself

Any object should perform rhinoplasty, structure, revise

Ai also can perform services rhinoplasty structure, re-edit. Especially the objects below:

  • Those who have performed rhinoplasty with cartilage, artificial and encountered the situation of failure.
  • Those who have taken raise the nose structure by autologous, but having problems malfunctioning.
  • People who have undergone rhinoplasty process, but not in harmony with his face.
  • Healthy people and qualified to carry out rhinoplasty process re-edit.

The implementation of rhinoplasty method rib cartilage is recommended, while young age. If delayed until old age, the process of obtaining the cartilage can become difficult and the recovery time is also longer.

Rhinoplasty process structure, re-edit, at the Clinic, Dr Nguyen Giap

Rhinoplasty process standard medical, professional, and safety contribute to the success of rhinoplasty surgery. Through rhinoplasty process 5 steps below, you will understand more about a ca rhinoplasty structure revised from beginning to completion.

Step 1: Examination and consultation

In this step, the customer will be meeting directly with doctors to share about the experience before this related to rhinoplasty and a description of why the want to rhinoplasty. The doctor will rely on this information to assess the condition specific, give advice accordingly.

Step 2: perform the general test

This step is particularly important to determine whether customers are qualified to carry out rhinoplasty structure, re-edit, or not. In this process, the client will be done blood tests, biochemical, ultrasound of the abdomen and test drug reactions.

Step 3: Proceed with rhinoplasty structure, revise

Doctor expertise will make the process of anesthesia or premedication to prepare for surgery. Doctor and team will perform rhinoplasty process based on the previously discussed with the client. Duration surgery can last for about 90 minutes or longer, depending on the particular status of the customer. Once finished, the incisions will be stitched in an aesthetic way.

Rhinoplasty process structure, re-edit, at the Clinic, Dr Nguyen Giap
Rhinoplasty process structure, re-edit, at the Clinic, Dr Nguyen Giap

Step 4: postoperative care

Customers will receive instructions about the use of medication, wound care and nutritional supplement according to your doctor's instructions. Moreover, the calendar re-examination by the states will be planned.

Step 5: Re-examination

Re-examination by doctor's schedule.

Clinic Dr Nguyen Giap pride ourselves with a team of leading experts, rich experience and modern equipment, fully meet the standard of a high end salon. When choosing Clinic Dr Nguyen Giapyou can rest assured about the quality of service rhinoplasty structure revision will achieve the results as expected.
