Can You Eat Seafood After Eyelid Surgery?

“Can You Eat Seafood After Eyelid Surgery?” are common questions after surgery. Doctor Nguyen Giap will share details on the duration of abstinence, a reason to avoid seafood and nutrition suitable to you quickly recover.

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Can You Eat Seafood After Eyelid Surgery?

Can You Eat Seafood After Eyelid Surgery? Tips from dr. Nguyen Giap on the regime of abstinence after surgery.

After undergoing surgery eyelid, adherence to diet healthy and abstinence certain foods play a role of utmost importance in the recovery process. One of the most frequently asked questions is “why you need to abstain from seafood?”. Maybe you will feel a bit unexpected, but in fact, seafood is one of these agents can affect the wound healing process after “cut mí”.

Firstly, seafood contains high levels of protein and histamine quite high. Histamine is a substance capable of causing allergic reactions, irritation, and slow down the process of “recovering wounds”. When your body has just undergone a minor surgery such as “cut eyelid”, the skin around the eyes will become very sensitive. The consumption of seafood can cause wound swelling, redness, burning, and even cause unpleasant itching. This is one of the main reasons that you should stay away from seafood during this time. 

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Why should abstain from seafood after eyelid surgery?

Monday, eat seafood after “eyelid surgery” can increase the risk of scar formation. The wound infection not only causes pain, but also can leave scars convex or concave scar, affect the aesthetics of the eyelid. In the process of “recovery”, the new cells will be formed to fill the hurt. If you eat too much of the sea containing substances “irritate”, this process will be hindered, leading to the formation of scars is not desired.

Tuesday, seafood can also slow down the wound healing process. Wound after “eyelid surgery” need a stable environment to the new cells can grow and link together. When you eat seafood, the body can focus the energy to handle the high “allergy free” instead of focusing on the “recovering from his wounds”. This can lengthen the recovery time of you, causing you to feel uneasy and more anxious. 

In summary, the diet of seafood after surgery “eyelid surgery” is very necessary to avoid the unwanted complications, ensure that the process of “recovery” goes smoothly and achieve the aesthetic result best. Doctor Nguyen Giap recommend strict adherence to the instructions of the doctor to get your eyes beautiful and healthy after “cut mí”.

How long should you abstain from seafood after eyelid surgery?

“So, how long should you abstain from seafood after eyelid surgery?” This is a question that many sister concern after performing minor surgery this. Typically, the duration of abstinence seafood after “eyelid surgery” will last for about 3 weeks. This is about the minimum time to wound heals a relative way, avoid the negative impact from the dining. 

However, you should note that the duration of abstinence, this can vary depending on the location and the resilience of each person. Have that local people have the good, rapid wound healing, it can shorten the duration of abstinence sea. But also those who are more sensitive or have complications such as “inflammatory” or swelling, it is necessary to extend the duration of abstinence over, maybe even up to 30-90 days. 

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Appropriate time to abstain from seafood to people who eyelid surgery

During this time period, you need to pay special attention to the diet of yourself. The “abstinence” 't just stop at avoiding seafood, but also including the avoidance of the food is spicy hot, stimulants such as alcohol, beer, cigarettes. This will help wound fast healing and to avoid undesirable effects. 

Doctor Nguyen Giap also recommended that, in the recovery process, you should regularly check his wound. If you have any unusual signs such as swelling, redness, soreness lasts, or pus, you should contact the doctor for advice and treatment in a timely manner. Compliance with the right according to your doctor's instructions will help you to have a recovery process smoothly and achieve the best results.

Miss eating seafood after cutting eyelid are you okay?

“If I miss eating seafood after cutting eyelid, then, are you all right?” Surely this is a question that is not less interest you. The “miss eating seafood” after “eyelid surgery" has affected or not depends on the amount of seafood you consume and your body's reaction.

If you only eat a small amount, and the body has no reaction, nothing special, then no need to worry. However, you should also not subjective, which need to closely monitor the condition of his wound. If you have any unusual signs such as swelling, redness, itching, or soreness persists, you should contact a doctor immediately. 

Conversely, if you eat large amounts of seafood, especially the sea allergies, the risk of experiencing the “complications” will be much higher. Wounds can swelling worsens, causing soreness lasts even cause “inflammation” and leave scars. This will greatly affect the process of recovery and cosmetic results after this. 

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Complications when eating seafood after eyelid surgery

If you accidentally eat seafood, Dr. Nguyên Giáp recommends taking the following steps:

  • Stop eating seafood immediately: this will help minimize the negative impact of the sea on the wound.
  • Drink plenty of water and fruit juices: this helps to purify the body and support the process of “wound healing”. In particular, the juices rich in vitamin C helps strengthen the body resistance
  • Closely monitor the condition of wounds: If there are any signs of any abnormal, please contact a doctor immediately for advice and treatment in a timely manner.
  • The important thing is you should not worry when encountering this situation. Thing to do is keep calm, track the health condition of yourself and comply with the instructions of the doctor.

After eyelid surgery should eat what to rapid wound healing?

To the wound after “eyelid surgery” quickly recovered and achieved good cosmetic results, the choice of suitable food is extremely important. Instead of worrying about things need to avoid, let's focus on what should be eaten to promote the recovery process. “Nutrition” play a very big role in cellular regeneration and help to “wound” rapid healing.

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The dishes need additional after eyelid surgery

Here are some foods you should add to the daily menu:

  • Foods rich in vitamin C: Vitamin C plays an important role in strengthening the resistance and help to “wound” healing. Fruits such as oranges, grapefruit, strawberries, guava, kiwi... and leafy green vegetables such as broccoli, green vegetables, vegetables kale... all is good source of vitamin C is abundant. 
  • Foods rich in zinc: Zinc is an important mineral involved in the process of cell regeneration and help heal the “wound”. Nuts like pumpkin seeds, cashews, almonds, whole grains, raw nuts, fresh milk, soy, and eggs are foods rich in zinc that you should add into your diet alone.
  • Foods rich in protein: Protein plays an important role in the construction and cell regeneration. Eating enough protein will help to “wound” rapid healing and prevent the formation of keloid scars. Legumes, tofu, mushrooms, lean meat, fish... is the power supply good protein you should eat after a cut eyelid.
  • Foods rich in vitamin A: Vitamin A helps to stimulate the regeneration of collagen and promote the process of wound healing. Foods such as pumpkin, sweet potato, tomato, bell peppers are good source of vitamin A is abundant.
  • In addition, you should also drink enough water, especially fruit juices to provide more vitamins and minerals for the body. “Diet” balance, adequate nutrition will be the key to help you “recover” quickly after “eyelid surgery".

How to Care for Your Eyes After Eyelid Surgery?

Besides diet, the “wound care” the right way also plays a very important role in helping rapid wound healing and achieve good cosmetic results after “eyelid surgery”.

cach cham soc after cat mi
How to take care of after eyelid surgery

Eyelid hygiene: You should use physiological saline to clean the eyelid gently about 2 times/day. This will help remove dirt, bacteria and avoid the risk of “infection”. Use medical gauze to clean, waterproof, lightweight physiological saline and gently wipe the area around the eyelid.

Pill and apply ice: You should adhere to your doctor's instructions about the use of antibiotics, reduce pain or reduce inflammation (if available). Ice cold is also an effective measure to help reduce the painful swelling in 24 – 48 hours after surgery. Use a clean towel wrap kick back and apply gently to the eyelids for about 5-10 minutes.

No long work with the electronic device: The looked at the computer screen, the phone for too long can cause eye fatigue and stress, affect the process of “recovering wounds”. You should rest and relax your eyes frequently.

Addition of foods rich in nutrients: As mentioned above, food and drink full of vitamins, minerals and protein will help your body have enough energy to “cell regeneration” and “wound healing”.

Limit the use of stimulants: stimulants such as coffee, tea, tobacco can affect the process of “recovery” of the body. You should limit the use of these substances in the first time after surgery.

The combination of diet science and “wound care” the right way will help you quickly get eyes beautiful and healthy. Remember, the patience, and adhere to instructions of the doctor is very important to achieve the best results.

Frequently Asked Questions About Avoiding Seafood After Eyelid Surgery

  1. Why seafood affect wound after eyelid surgery? Seafood contains a lot of protein and histamine, which can cause irritation, slowing the healing process and increase the risk of scar formation.
  2. If you eat seafood, then what to do? If you eat seafood, you should stop immediately, drink more water, track the status of wounds and contact a physician if any unusual signs.
  3. There should abstain from foods other than seafood? In addition to seafood, you should abstain from all food, spicy, alcoholic drinks, stimulants and other kinds of food allergies other.
  4. Duration abstain from seafood can change? Duration abstain from seafood can vary depending on the location and status of recovery of each of them, usually from 3 weeks to 3 months.
  5. Outdoor dining, need to note something when wound care? In addition to diet, you need toilet wound properly, take the medication as directed by your doctor, restrictions overwork, not to eye contact with electronic devices.
cac cau hoi thuong gap ve viec seducing two san after cat mi
Frequently asked questions about the diet of seafood after eyelid surgery


Hope to share details from Doctor Nguyen Giap on here, you've got satisfactory answers for the questions “Can You Eat Seafood After Eyelid Surgery?”. Remember that, in compliance with the instructions of the doctor and take care of yourself it's good to be the deciding factor for you to quickly own eyes, like the beautiful. If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to contact with Dr. Nguyen Giap Aesthetic Surgery Center at for advice and dedicated support!

