What is humped nose? Discover characteristic shape, meaning according to the prime minister and the causes formation of general nose ruggedto help you understand more clearly about the beauty face.
Humped nose– the meaning and way of seeing through human chess course
The nose is considered the “center” of the face and brings a lot of meanings in chinese learning. Which, in general, the nose rugged is one of the characteristics that many people are interested.
Humped nose affects not only the appearance but also is said to reflect some personality traits and destiny of the owner.
The article below of Dr Nguyen Giap will work with you to find out details about general nose rugged: definition, characteristics, shape, meaning, according to human chess course, causes formation, as well as solutions suitable correction.
What is humped nose?
General nose rugged often be identified through the contours of the nose is not seamless, but there is a point rugged, protruding higher than the rest. According to observations, nose rugged can be divided into two main forms.
- Format firstly, the nose has a jutting point in the nose, dividing the length of the nose into two parts with clear rate, usually 1:2.
- Format Monday's nose rugged device's beaked whale, the lower part of the nose, curved up according to the shape of the saddle.
These characteristics make the nose becomes unnatural, lack of harmony compared to the overall face.
In general, school nose shape has always been viewed as an important indicator. A nose not only the face add the graceful but also bring good luck in career, love and life.
On the contrary, prime minister nose rugged is often seen as a harbinger of some certain disadvantages.
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The meaning of the humped nose under general school
According to the concept, folk, and general learning, the nose is not merely a part of the body but also hides a lot of information about the personality and destiny of the owner.
humped nose in men
In men, the general nose rugged is often said to be unfavorable in terms of feng shui.
People can nose rough can take these signs as: although working very hard, the results were not as; easily deceived or lost labor, the fruits of his own.
Some people even believe that, nose rugged longer signal life will encounter many challenges, difficulties in career, romance and family.
However, besides these negative connotations, general nose rugged can also show personality, enthusiasm, dedication and honesty of the man, if known remedy and balance with the other elements in life.
humped nose in women
For women minister nose rugged bring the meaning is quite different. The woman who owns the nose rugged often is said to have a strong personality, independent and assertive.
However, sometimes this makes them meet with difficulties in the integration, communication and the construction of social relationships. In work, who have the nose rugged often faced with many challenging, hard to advance, even in trouble financially.
The contradiction in marriage can also be a consequence if you don't have the conditioning from the outside.
Causes for the formation of humped nose
General nose rugged not only the result of hereditary factors but also due to external causes impact.
- Genetics: One of the main reasons why for a number of holders minister nose rugged is due to genetic factors. From childhood, the characteristics of the nose has been established and may develop more obvious when entering puberty. If in the family there were people there nose shape, as such, likely you will also carry the same characteristics is very high.
- Injury: in Addition to genetic factors, injury to the nose can also lead to bad nose rugged. When the bridge of the nose bumps, fractures or lesions, the process of healing may not all make up the score rugged, not natural.
Other factors:
Factors such as aging, changes in skin structure and soft tissue over time also contributes to the formation of general nose rugged. Those who have passed the age of 40, 50 often see clearly the change in the contours of the nose due to the aging process, when the elasticity of the skin decreases and soft tissue no longer smooth as ever.
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The influence of the minister nose rough to life and editing solution
Although prime minister nose rugged does not cause direct influence health, such as respiratory capacity, but it can impact on the psychology and everyday life. Who owns minister nose rugged often feel a lack of confidence, worry about and can encounter the disadvantage in social communication as well as in work.
For those who are not satisfied with his nose, there are many methods of editing the nose currently, in order to improve the status nose rugged.
- Rhinoplasty openings: This is the method of surgical correction rhinoplasty rugged quite popular. The doctor will general anesthesia, then make a small incision to be able to reach the bone and cartilage, cut the part irregular, then reshape the nose. This process requires recovery time from 3 weeks and up, and should comply with the instructions post-operative care.
- Rhinoplasty, closed areas: this Method uses laparoscopic techniques through the nostrils to reshape the nose without the need for incision lines on the bridge of the nose. The advantage of this method is the recovery time faster, less swelling and no scarring markedly.
- Non-surgical rhinoplasty: for those who desire to change the light on the nose that does not venture into surgery, methods of non-surgical rhinoplasty using fillers may be the right choice. Although the results only maintain temporary from 6 months to 2 years, but this method has advantages in terms of cost and recovery time fast.
Scientific point of view:
General nose rugged is one of the identifying characteristics on the face are many people to italy and has significant meaning in chinese learning.
Although the notion of prime minister nose rugged may not be completely correct according to the science of modern medicine, but for many people, the nose shape affects not only the external beauty, but also reflects the psychological factors, personality and destiny of the owner.
If you are not satisfied with nose shape purlin, please read thorough editing solutions from rhinoplasty, open rhinoplasty, closed areas to non-surgical methods.
The choice of the basis aesthetic prestigious team aesthetic doctors skilled will help you feel more secure about the results and recovery time.
At the same time, there should be careful deliberation between the desired aesthetic and the impact of surgery on health, as well as feng shui individual.

If you have any questions, then contact Hotline 0909 886 054
Finally, remember that each has its own beauty and accepting yourself is the key to happy life.
If editing the humped nose is what you decide to make in order to increase confidence and improve your looks, choose the solution that best fits your own situation.
Wish you soon found his way beauty safe and effective, so that each passing day is one day more confident in life.
Dr. Nguyen Giap's Assistant
Dr. Nguyen Giap's Assistant for the Dr. Nguyen Giap website, with over 6 years of experience in developing content in the fields of aesthetics.
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