Autologous fat grafting complications

Autologous fat grafting is beauty trends are many options, however, this method also potential risks and complications. Dr Nguyen Giap will provide the detailed information about the complications of autologous fat grafting complications for you to have a comprehensive view and take informed decisions.

What is autologous fat grafting complications and why we need to learn about complications?

Autologous fat grafting complications is a method of making use of excess fat from the body of you, after being selected and handled, to transplant into other areas such as the face, chest, hip, or of the defects. This method is favored due to their biocompatible, high to minimize the risk of allergy or rejection.

autologous fat grafting complications what you need to know before beauty
Autologous fat grafting complications: What you need to know before beauty

However, as any method other beauty, autologous fat grafting is also potential risks and complications. The learn about these complications is extremely important.

  1. Firstly, in order for you to have the best prepared psychologically as well as prior knowledge of the decision made.
  2. Monday, to better understand the risks that may occur and take the appropriate precautions.
  3. Tuesday, so you can take out the wise choice, most on the basis of performance as well as aesthetic doctors to ensure safety and efficiency to the process of her beauty.

The common complications after implantation of autologous fat grafting

Although autologous fat grafting is a method of making beautiful, safe, but still there are a number of complications can occur. Here are the most common complications that you need to note:

risks and common complications after implantation of autologous fat grafting
Risks and common complications after implantation of autologous fat grafting
  • Necrosis grease:
    • Description: This is the situation that fat is implanted into the die and excreted from the body. This complication can cause swelling, pain, soreness lasts in the transplanted fat.
    • Causes: Necrosis grease can occur due to many causes, such as transplant technique grease wrong, the quality grease does not guarantee, or implanted too much grease into a position.
  • Occlusive ointment:
    • Description: This is one of the most dangerous complications of autologous fat grafting. When fat is implanted into the bloodstream, it can move to the vital organs, causing blockage of blood vessels and can be life-threatening.
    • Causes: circuit breaker grease can occur due to fat injection directly into a vein or due to injection technique wrong.
  • Infection:
    • Description: The fat transplant possible infection, swelling, redness, soreness, pus or discharge from the wound.
    • Causes: Infection can occur due to fat transplant is not guaranteed sterile, or by the process of wound care after surgery is not the right way.
  • Swelling, soreness:
    • Description: This is one of the common complications after implantation of autologous fat grafting. The fat transplant will be swollen, causing aches and pains, and can cause discomfort for patients.
    • Causes: Swelling and soreness is a natural reaction of the body after performing transplant surgery grease.However, this condition usually lasts for a short time.
  • Distortion, imbalance:
    • Description: The fat transplant may be concave-convex, non-natural cause loss of balance for the body.
    • Causes: distortion and imbalance can occur due to technical implants, liposuction irregularities, grease't blend well with the fatty tissue around, or due to the amount of fat is transplanted into not suitable.

These complications not only affect health but also can affect aesthetics, makes you feel self-doubt and frustration about the results after implementation of autologous fat grafting complications.


Video review detailed method of transplanting autologous fat transfer at Dr Nguyen Giap


Other complications and signs to recognize

In addition to the complications mentioned above, you can also encounter a number of other complications after implementation of autologous fat grafting, but less common, but you also need to note:

  • Skin color in the transplanted fat.
  • Grease is the body excreted outside.
  • Accumulation of blood in the the fat transplant cause soreness.
  • Allergic to the type of anesthesia or local anesthesia.
  • Formation of granulomas in the body.
autologous fat grafting complications and learn about beauty, safe and effective
Autologous fat grafting complications: learn about beauty, safe and effective

To get to know the complications of autologous fat grafting, you need to pay attention to the following signs:

  • Soreness lasts no remission.
  • The fat transplant red swelling does not decrease, or increasingly heavier.
  • Have translated or purulent discharge from the wound.
  • High fever of unknown cause.
  • Shortness of breath (especially for occlusive ointment).

If you see any signs on, please contact now with the doctor or aesthetic grounds to be examined and treated promptly.

Factors that increase the risk of autologous fat grafting complications

A number of factors can increase the risk of experiencing complications after implantation of autologous fat grafting. You need to know these factors to preventable in the best way:

doctor nguyen giap analysis of the complications of autologous fat grafting and secure solution
Doctor Nguyen Giap analysis of the complications of autologous fat grafting and secure solution
  • Age: older People are at risk of experiencing complications higher than young people, so the skin is usually thin, less elastic and difficult to reproduce more.
  • Health status: Those who have poor health or with the underlying disease such as cardiovascular, diabetes, high blood pressure or are using anticoagulants will be at risk of experiencing complications higher in comparison with healthy people.
  • Base made: The choice of the basis aesthetic, no credits, no license to operate or a doctor not skilled, experience will increase the risk of complications after implantation of autologous fat transfer.
  • Technical fat transplant: If the doctor is not the right technique, implant grease too much or unevenly, or use the equipment does not guarantee the quality, then the risk of complications will increase.

Measures to prevent and treat complications of autologous fat grafting

To minimize the risk of experiencing complications after implantation of autologous fat grafting, you need to have thorough preparation and carried out strictly according to the doctor's instructions:

  • Before you decide to make, you should learn about this method, the pros and cons, as well as the complications that can occur.
  • Please select the cosmetic base reputable, licensed activity, our team of doctors are highly skilled and experienced.
  • Before making transplanted autologous fat transfer, you need to be examined general health to ensure you qualify to perform the surgery.
  • After making fat transplant, you need to comply with the determined only by the doctor about how wound care, diet and rest to the recovery process takes place quickly and safely.
  • Wound care the right way will help the wound heal, and help limit the risk of infection.
how to prevent complications of autologous fat grafting efficiency
How to prevent complications of autologous fat grafting efficiency

If you see any signs of any unusual after transplanting autologous fat transfer, please contact doctor reputable cosmetic or aesthetic grounds to be examined and treated promptly. Absolute should not be treated at home, because this can make the condition becomes more serious.


Transplanted autologous fat transfer is a method of beauty, efficiency, however, you also need to anticipate the risks and complications of transplanted autologous fat transfer can occur. The learn about this method, choose base reputable cosmeticand adhere strictly as directed by your doctor will help you to minimize the risk of complications and get the results as desired.

If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to contact with Dr. Nguyen Giap Aesthetic Surgery Center for advice and dedicated support!

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