What is the meaning of reverse smile?

Smile is not just an expression of emotion, but also as a “language” in particular, can show many things about who you are. In general, those unnatural smile, or also known as “smile upside down”, brought the deeper meaning. Dr Nguyen Giap will help you discover the mystery hidden behind the “smile upside down” this.

meaning smile backwards in chess course

What is the meaning of reverse smile?

In general, school, smile not merely an expression of joy which is also considered an important factor reflects the personality, psychology, and even the destiny of a person.

However, not smile would also bring positive meaning. The smile is not natural, or also known as “smile upside down”, brought the message is completely different.

Smile is an expression of emotion but not always true true feelings, and can sometimes contain the implicit message

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Smile upside-not a smile-specific, which is the way a person expresses feelings are not the truth through a smile. It includes the expression is not natural on the face, from the eyes, facial muscles to the opening of the mouth and the many factors other subtle.

The whole point of smiles is that they don't bring feelings of comfort, pleasant to the opposite, which often creates feeling awkward, uncomfortable or even be negative.

The expression on the face combine to form a smile, and when there is no harmony will create the smile is not genuine.

In general, school, smile upside often carries negative connotations, showing the feelings not true or traits not so positive. The understanding smile backwards will help you have more insight about yourself and the people around.




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The kind of smile upside and meaning in chess course

Human chess course classification smile backwards into several different types, each type brings a distinct meanings.

Below is some kind of smile “in reverse” popular and their meanings:

Wry smile:

  • Smile is not natural, it looks tense and uncomfortable, as if he's trying to push to laugh.
  • Wry smile often expresses the insecurity, anxiety, lack of confidence or trying to hide something. When you smile, that uncomfortable smile will demonstrate the insecurity and lack of nature.

Ironic smile:

  • Smile is usually accompanied by a smirk, lack of respect, and there seems to ridicule or belittle others.
  • Ironic smile often expresses contempt, disdain or ridicule others. Ironic smile reflects the lack of respect and no goodwill.

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The smile is not sincere (author created):

  • This is not smile comes from the heart, lack of warmth, and often have light eyes are not in tune with smile.
  • The smile is not sincere, usually expressed lies, the cheating and not trustworthy. Fake smile't usually stem from true emotions and don't bring back warm feelings for the opposite.


  • On one side the edge of the mouth twitched up when you smile, feeling contemptuous or arrogant.
  • Smirk often expresses contempt, arrogance or disregard for others. Smirk often expressed no respect and the higher self.

Smile coldly:

  • Smile this lack of emotion, no warmth and create a feeling of aloof, unapproachable.
  • Smile coldly often express the difficulty near little reveal emotions and can make the opposite person feel uncomfortable.

Smile gums negative:

  • Smile open, but eyes of sympathy, feeling no comfort or discomfort.
  • The usual smile gums is considered the manifestation of the truth, but when combined with light eyes, no sympathy will bring negative feelings and can express not really reliable.

Each kind of smile upside carries a message of his own, and getting to know as well as analyze them carefully will help you understand more about the nature of humans.

Quy trinh lam viec tai doctor, Dr Nguyen Giap


The relationship between smile upside down and personality, destiny

In general, school, smile not only is the expression most time, but also closely related to the personality and destiny of each person. The smile, “contrast” usually carries the meaning not so positive. Smile can reflect the personality and related to the destiny of a person.

  1. Wry smile: Often related to people with anxiety, insecurity, lack of confidence or is trying to hide his true feelings.
  2. Smile sarcastically, smirking: Often related to people with arrogance, disregard for others, like criticism and sarcasm.
  3. The smile is not sincere (author created): Often related to those who are false, dishonest and difficult to create the trust from others.
  4. Smile coldly: Often related to people who are difficult to close, less revealing, emotional and often create feelings in others far way.

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People often have the smile upside may encounter many difficulties and obstacles in life.

They can meet the challenges in work, love and social relationships.

However, the prime minister also said that destiny is not immutable and changing smile can help improve the destiny of a person.


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How to improve your smile upside?

If you find yourself frequently have the smile upside, don't worry. You can completely change and improve smile of the following methods:

  • Let's learn to recognize and accept the true feelings of themselves. Don't try to hide or forced emotion, which seek to relieve them in a healthy way.
  • Let's focus on the positive things in life, learning how to look at problems in an optimistic way. Thinking positive will help you feel comfortable and more confident, which help the smile becomes natural and fresher.
  • Practice your smile in a natural way, comfortable in front of the mirror. Don't try to push or styling, which let the smile comes from the heart.
  • A pretty smile needs to have a healthy teeth and bright white. Take regular dental care and maintain these habits, oral hygiene properly.
  • If you have difficulties in improving smile or are faced with the psychological problems, look to the support of the psychologist or the prime minister to get the tips, and the best support.

Spiritual meaning of smile contrast

In some conception of spirituality, smile “reverse” can be regarded as signs of the negative energy or imbalance in the soul.

The smile is not sincere, is often considered not good on a spiritual and can attract the things no luck with that person.

Smile carries the implicit message and a smile no truth can bring things are not well spiritually.

So please always towards the smile positive, sincere and comes from the heart. A beautiful smile not only add beauty looks, but also bring luck and happiness to you and those around you.


Smile is an important part of human, and understanding the meaning of the smile, especially the smile backwards in chess course, will help us to have better insight about yourself and the people around.

Let's cherish and care for his smile, for the smile is always the expression of sincerity, happiness and brings good things to life.

If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to contact the Clinic Specializes in Cosmetic dentistry, Dr Nguyen Giap for advice and dedicated support!

  1. Hotline: 0909 886 054
  2. Email: drgiaptran@gmail.com
  3. Map: https://g.co/kgs/iuwZLSV
  4. Cosmetic Association: http://www.hoithammy.org/index.php?m=tieu-chuan-1&id=1532
  5. What clinic: https://www.whatclinic.com/cosmetic-plastic-surgery/vietnam/ho-chi-minh-city/phu-nhuan-district-ho-chi-minh/dr-nguyen-giap-aesthetic-surgery-center