What size breast augmentation should i get?

Sisters we always have beauty needs and desires to have a round 1 round. Especially for those who has the big and small. Thanks to that breast augmentation surgery birth and quickly became beauty trends popular today.

However, not owned ring 1 to be beautiful, but it must be balanced with the body of each person. So let's DR NGUYEN GIAP learn enhancement size how much is the standard and most beautiful?

What is the standard beautiful bust size?

Where is standard round 1-standard beautiful? This concept is applied depending on the culture of every country in the world. In Western culture, round 1 is for is beautiful when there is big size, firmness, and in harmony with the overall body.


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What is the standard beautiful bust size?



According to the science and aesthetic, round 1 is for the standard to be commensurate with the stature and weight of each person. For example, for Asian, if the height of 1.5 m, the measure of round 1 is from 76-80cm. Height 1.6 m measurements round 1 is from 83-86cm.

However, depending on the preferences of each person that standard round 1 standard beauty back different. Some people prefer to own the 1st round, plump, people want to own loops 1 medium must, in accordance with his physique. 

Factors determining beautiful breast augmentation size?

The factors below to decide should enhancement size how much to fit with your body:

Body size

The selection size chest standard beautiful depends very much on the size and body proportions. The decision criteria as: height, weight, width of the shoulders, hips, bust size, current, width and distance between the 2 breasts.

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Select size chest bag fit body size


If select size boobs too big when you have small stature message that will make people more you smaller again. Therefore, when choosing the size, chest pocket, you need to consider whether it is consistent with the proportion of the body or not.

To help you can choose the size padded bra fit, you can refer to the following formula:

Formula to calculate percentage weight for round 1

  • Round 3 – Round 1 = 0 to 2 cm
  • (Round 3 + the 1st Round) / Round 2 = 2.8 cm
  • Round 1 = ½ height + 2 cm

How to choose the size bag fit chest height and weight

To choose to be within 1 standard sister, I need to consider more factors, height and weight. 

From that can determine the size tits and choose for yourself padded pocket fits.For example:

  • Height 1m50 – 1m53, weight 40 – 45kg. Ring size 1 should lie in the range 76 – 80cm is a standard body proportions.
  • Height 1m55 – 160 cm tall, weighing in around 50 – 54kg. Ring size 1 should lie in the range 80 – 83cm.
  • Height 160 cm tall – 170cm, weight about 55kg. Measurements round 1 of about 83 – 86cm is beautiful
  • Height from 1m7 upward, weight 60kg. Measurements round 1 is located in the 91 – 93cm are the norm beautiful

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Characteristics of breast tissue present at

Structure round 1 of every person is different: the tits size big tits... So not everyone can breast augmentation with size I desire to be. 

The type of skin and breast tissue different

  • For people with big boobs, slim, breast tissue a little fat, you should choose the size bag chest just right. Because if you choose the size, chest pocket too big tits thin can't help be padded bag. Make bag filler may sagging disfiguring.
  • Those who have round 1 there adipose tissue thickness can be choose size breast augmentation bigger.
  • If you choose the size enhancement is greater, it must be commensurate with the weight of your body. Therefore, if you have the physique cavity, small tits, then do not choose size bag too big. Because it will make your body becomes heavy, back pains and tired shoulders.

How to measure chest size

You can make 1 of the 3 following ways to find out the appropriate size and note 1ml is equivalent to 1CC.

Test rice

  1. Take a sock and cut of about 30cm. Tie small knot in one end. Measure and pour the amount of rice into it, and then tie the rest.
  2. Two such bags is that you've got a bag set fake tits.
  3. Then you to bag fake tits in bra, and then try the same with clothes, different dresses.
  4. This way you can check the size was in accordance with the wishes yet.

Water testing

How to do the same as the test rice. But instead of using socks and rice, you will use a plastic bag and water. Measure the amount of water just enough to pour into a plastic bag. 

This way, you can be approximated to be enhancement size how much is consistent with his body/

Specify size chest bag at the aesthetic center.

To determine the size fit, you come to fitness center to get the doctor's advice. 

You can refer to the aesthetic center of Dr. Nguyen Giap. The doctor will provide the simulation results after breast augmentation to you more easily visualize.


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Image breasts, your current will be shooting back. Then the computer program will tell you exactly your breasts look like with the size, chest pocket certain.

This is how you know the enhancement size how much is his suit.


Life style

Lifestyle of the sisters also very much affect the choice of size padded tits. 

People often motor, you should choose size chest pockets just right to move. Those who have styles different dress also decided to choose the size augmentation. Tits as big as more difficult in the choice of outfits and underwear match. 

So sister, I need to weigh options enhancement size how much is suitable lifestyle everyday.

“If you are intending to breast augmentation and are going to find aesthetic center reputed to surgery. You can refer to the specialized clinic aesthetic Dr. Nguyen Giap. Contact 0909.886.054 to schedule a consultation right now.”


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Select size chest pocket improper influence anything?

Some tips to choose the size, chest pocket standard 

Here are some tips to help you select for his size chest pockets beautiful standard, in accordance with his:

  • You can map out, say the type of bra to various pick out the size like that.
  • Should start from the bra size medium and then gradually increase the size up. 
  • Help you can know in advance the result following breast augmentation can be as his will not.
  • You can consult from your friends and relatives went augmentation earlier.
  • Or can refer to direct the opinion of a physician aesthetic. The doctor will help you answer questions “enhancement size how much as standard beauty”.


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Related questions

The following are a number of related questions about the size how much is beautiful:

Select size chest pocket improper influence anything?

If you choose a chest pocket whose size is too large, it can cause complications immediately after surgery and many years after that. 

Complications can join as:

  • Torn incision
  • Saggy tits excessive loss of aesthetics
  • Back pain, fatigue, shoulder, difficult to operate,...

Cost of breast augmentation depends on size bag chest are?

  • Cost of breast augmentation depends on many factors and not depend too much on size augmentation.
  • High cost or low depending on the quality of chest pockets, surgical methods and workmanship of your doctor. 
  • Chest pocket is made from high quality materials such as bags, breast augmentation Mentor, bellagel,... the price will be more expensive than the type of breast augmentation bag often.

Address enhancement beautiful, prestigious today?

Today there are many cosmetic center appears rampant in the market. Many sisters bewildered't know the address augmentation which is reputable.

And also don't know enhancement size how much is beautiful? The Clinic Specializes In Cosmetic Dentistry, Dr. Nguyen Giap is a choice that you can reference.

Dr. Nguyen Giap is one of the doctor experienced in the field of cosmetology. With the desire to bring flawless beauty and improve beauty to the customer. Dr. Nguyen Giap always effort to hone the technical and professional knowledge in and outside the country.

If you are need to improve titsyou can contact the clinic by:

  • Address of clinic: 54 Tran Huy lieu street, Ward 11, Phu Nhuan District, Ho Chi Minh city.
  • Hotline: 0909 886 054
  • Fanpage: Doctor Nguyen Giap

When you choose to use the service augmentation in here, you will get instructions, advice and enthusiasm. In addition, you will get many programs deals, promotions attractive. 

Come right Clinic Specializes in Cosmetic dentistry, Dr. Nguyen Giap to counseling services as soon okay.

The article above has provided you with the information that helps you answer questions should enhancement size how much is beautiful?.

To Dr. Nguyen Giap you sure you will be satisfied with the quality of service here.
