Head big nose after rhinoplasty is preoccupation popular. Let's Dr Nguyen Giap learn rhinoplasty how often the tip of the nose of tits, causes and ways to take care to nose a speedy recovery.
Rhinoplasty How often the tip of the Nose Of big and Hard?
Rhinoplasty surgery has long become one of the methods of popular beauty, help to significantly improve nose shape and enhance self-confidence.
However, one of the major concerns of customers after surgery is the status head big nose and duration necessary to nose full recovery.Understanding this process will help you greater peace of mind in the process make her beautiful.
Tip swelling after rhinoplasty timeline
After rhinoplasty, the nose is often swollen, this is a natural reaction of the body. The recovery process can be divided into the following stages:
- 1-3 days first: This is the stage where swelling appears most clearly. The tip of the nose can turn red or purple due to the impact of surgery. At this time, you need the absolute adherence to the care instructions of your doctor and avoid strong impact on the nose to minimize the risk of complications.
- 7-10 days after surgery: Swelling gradually reduced, the nose began to reduce to. This time, the doctor will remove the splint and nasal examination nose original. However, you need to note that this is not yet the final results, because the tissues are still in the recovery process.
- 4-6 weeks: The majority of the swelling is gone, the nose becomes more natural. The tip of the nose gradually stable, edema decreased significantly. In this stage, you can get back to the day to day activities but still need to limit the bumps on the nose.
- 3 months onwards: It is time that the aesthetic result is almost perfect. The nose has expired, big tits, nose, stable and achieve the soft nature.
Reference method or: Rhinoplasty Rib Cartilage bring the so nice nose for sisters.
Causes Of Head Big Nose After Rhinoplasty
The status head big nose after the surgery is understandable, but not always, only due to the natural elements.
Here are two main causes:
Natural causes:
- Inflammatory reaction: This reaction is natural protection of the body to heal the damaged tissue.
- Seroma: A small amount of translation that can accumulate around the surgery area, causing swelling temporarily.
Unusual causes:
- If not, keep proper hygiene, department of surgery are at risk for infection, causing swelling stretching.
- Hematoma or fibrous scar tissue: These complications can affect the recovery process and nose shape after this.
How To Care For The Help Tip Fast To
The postoperative care properly plays an important role in shortening the recovery time.
Here are some helpful hints:
- Use physiological saline to the nose gently. Avoid touching or strong impact on the nose to reduce the risk of infection.
- Always lying on your back with knees statistics high top. This helps to reduce edema and restriction of blood at the nose.
- Fasting foods can cause inflammation, such as spicy, seafood and folds. Instead, add foods rich in vitamin C, collagen to support the process of healing.
Unusual Signs To Note
In some cases, the status head big nose stretching could be a sign of complications. You need to pay attention if you have:
- Painful swelling does not decrease after 4-6 weeks.
- Soreness lasts with fever or discharge of pus from the nose.
- Nose deflection or deformation markedly.
When the appearance of these signs, please contact aesthetic doctor specialist II with hotline 0909 886 054 – Clinic Specializes in Cosmetic dentistry, Dr Nguyen Giap to get the advice and check out quickly.
Choose From Prestigious Address And Periodic Re-Examination
The selection of a professional physician and facility aesthetics reputation will help to minimize risk and ensure the desired results. Aesthetic hospital DR Nguyen Giap as one of the reliable address with a team of experienced doctors and advanced technology top.
Besides, don't forget to periodic re-examination according to doctor's appointments, to monitor the recovery process and early detection of any problems.
Video Review details rhinoplasty sealed structure – Dr Nguyen Giap
Time to head nose before after rhinoplasty depends on the location and how to take care of each person. On average you need from 3-6 months to nose completely stable and achieve the aesthetic result as comments.
Please be patient and adhere to your doctor's instructions, by a nose beauty lies not only in the nose but also in the safety and satisfaction in the recovery process.
Dr. Nguyen Giap's Assistant
Dr. Nguyen Giap's Assistant for the Dr. Nguyen Giap website, with over 6 years of experience in developing content in the fields of aesthetics.
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